Welcome to the beginning of the end of the Pandemic!
We made it this far but I think everyone knows this year will be special and total normalcy will not truly be had until 2022. So what does that mean for Gay Pride in 2021? It means, that while every person and every business in 2020 had to either reinvent themselves or figure out new ways of doing business they have largely figured it out by now and ARE moving forward. It also means that all those companies that sat out 2020 got a free pass but I don’t think that will carry into 2021. While individual Pride celebrations may not be the same as 2019, they are actually happening in 2021. June will always be Gay Pride Month and yet it seems that in 2021 we may even have Gay Pride trip right into the fall as some individual local Pride parades have been pushed to when more people will be vaccinated and can participate in person.
So, what is a company to do when it comes to Gay Pride this year? A good start is to SHOW UP where LGBTQs are looking for information- like your local LGBTQ media outlet. No matter what you are advertising your message should be clear and simple and BE AUTHENTIC. If you have just your mainstream product ads (assuming not hetero oriented)- well that is just fine… as you are showing up in LGBTQ media and that is all most expect. If you have something specifically for the LGBTQ community- even better but all LGBTQs are mostly concerned about the same things as all Americans and just want to spend their money with companies that reach out to them specifically and where they will feel most welcome. Lastly, LGBTQ marketing is YEAR-ROUND. Showing up just at Gay Pride is nice and certainly gives you a boost in visibility but showing up year-round clearly is better- that is what advertising is all about- reminding your customers that you want their business. Hint, this year- showing up nationally during June Gay Pride month and then also showing up again during individual Gay Pride Parades will boost your authenticity- as you are obviously “in the know” and paying attention to “the” community. Of course, all of this is Marketing 101 but you would be amazed at how few do this when it comes to the LGBTQ marketplace.
Already this year I have seen so many quality productions and products aimed at the LGBTQ consumer only to fall short on any of the above. TV shows- take notice- gaydar only works for finding other LGBTQ people and not instantly knowing when LGBTQ content TV shows will be airing! I say that because I see so many rating failures for Emmy award winning work from TV shows that end up cancelled like Looking from HBO- a company that knows better. What about those other shows? ABC’s When We Rise and so many more that you missed……. I missed them too and I only read 140 LGBTQ titles and countless LGBTQ websites.
Finally, companies need to remember that advertising in LGBTQ media directly supports the LGBTQ community economically and provides the ultimate win-win for those looking to reach LGBTQ consumers.

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